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DIY Classic Car Ring Pillow // Oldtimer-Ringkissen
[Werbung. / Post sponsored by Volkswagen.]* A classic car ring pillow is a fancy alternative to traditional ring holders and a nice keepsake in your display cabinet at home, even long after the wedding day. The first car together, the first vacation together… Such a ring holder on wheels is not only a great choice for a rockabilly or vintage wedding, it can also express personal stories and preferences. Ein Oldtimer-Ringkissen ist eine ausgefallene Alternative zu den klassischen Ringkissen und auch lange nach dem großen Tag in der heimischen Vitrine noch ein schönes Andenken. Das erste gemeinsame Auto, der erste gemeinsame Urlaub… So ein fahrbares Ringkissen passt nicht nur super…
DIY Tool Roll Bag made from Leather // Werkzeugrolle aus Leder
[Werbung. / Post sponsored by Volkswagen.]* Regardless if you are going on a camping trip or a bicycle tour, it is often a good idea to take some tools along. With a tool roll bag, you have the most important tools at hand even when you are on the road. A roll bag allows you to neatly arrange and store wrenches, pliers and other tools while saving space. Furthermore, you can carry many different things in such a tool roll and when you are sewing it, you can already adjust it to your personal needs. Ob Campingausflug oder Fahrradtour, bei so mancher Gelegenheit ist es von Vorteil, das ein oder…